'Appication of PPP in SME business
Feasibility Survey for SMEs oversea business (Consultating 2015-2017): Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) promotes overseas business development and projects for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through public-private partnerships (PPP). Fuji Construction Works Co. Ltd. (FCWC) in Tokushima has developed a solar-powered LED light designed to blink on the road surface to prevent car accidents. They collaborated with the Ministry of Public Works in Cambodia under JICA's PPP scheme to address traffic accidents and electric source issues by implementing their LED light technology.
At REDES, we assisted them in realizing project formulation and conducting feasibility surveys. (Photo: Road conditions and environment in Phnom Penh.)
民間連携による中小企業・SDGs 支援は、持続可能な開発を目指す国際協力機構(JICA)の支援事業の一つです。徳島県の冨士建設工業の方々は, 交通事故多発エリアに設置し夜間にドライバーの注意喚起が可能な太陽光LEDライトを自社開発され,この製品を活用し,カンボジア運輸公共事業省と共に同国の深刻な交通事故の低減に取り組むことを希望され、レデスは案件化の企画書作成及び実施可能性調査に協力しました。(写真:午後3時のプノンペン道路状況)

What sort of country is Cambodia?
Centre of Khmer Culture with an enigmatic language and its letters
In Cambodia, located to the south of the Indochina Peninsula, the Khmer Empire flourished from the 9th to the 13th century, leaving behind the magnificent Angkor Wat temple complex (pictured on the right) as a symbol of Khmer culture. This culture also gave birth to the distinctive Khmer language (សាខ្មែរ), which remains the official language of Cambodia to this day.
インドシナ半島の南に位置するカンボジアでは, 9世紀から13世紀にクメール王朝が隆盛を極め,クメール文化が壮大なアンコールワット遺跡(右写真)を残しました。この文化はさらに独特の文字をもつクメール語 សាខ្មែរ も生み出し, 今もカンボジアの公用語となっています。